Main screen basic operations

BRecording live video

bRecording method

The present software allows two modes of recording live video from a camera. Automatic recording setting is also available.

<Recording mode>


Recording is performed when the recording button on the operation panel is set to ON.


When the recording button on the operation panel is set to ON, recording is on standby and recording is performed when specified events occur.

<Automatic recording>

When set to automatic recording, the recording button on the operation panel is always locked to ON while the unit is connected to the network. Recording is performed automatically in the selected mode even without operating the recording button on the operation panel.

Memo: • Set the automatic recording or select a recording mode on the recording settings screen in the set up menu. (P52)

Network operation video recordings are all saved on the PC hard disk. Set the save conditions in the disk settings screen in the set up menu. (P53)

bSwitching recording functions

Switch the recording functions to ON/OFF using the recording button on the operation panel. (When recording is set to automatic recording, it is always locked to ON.)

1Clickingpanel. the recording button on the operation The recording function changes to ON and the button display switches to stop.

Setting the recording function to ON allows recording according to the recording mode.

In Always mode: Starts the recording

In Event mode:

Recording is on standby, recording starts when a specified event occurs

2To stop the recording function

Click the recording button (Stop) on the operation panel.

In Always mode: Stops recording

In Event mode: Cancels recording standby

CFreezing the live video

Stops the live video and allows the user to view the live video as a still image.

1Click the still button on the operation panel. The live video changes to still video, the still button display switches to the unfreeze button.

2To unfreeze the image

Click the unfreeze button on the operation panel.

The live video returns to moving video.

DThe audio is output

Audio output is available for live and playback video.

1Click the audio button on the operation panel. The audio is output and the button switches to no output.

Adjust the output volume by dragging and dropping [VOLUME].

2To stop the audio output

Click the audio button on the operation panel.