Search mode operations

ASearching and playing recorded video

Video recorded on this unit or on a PC can be searched and played using the date and time.

1Select the search destination (DVR/PC)

Select whether to search the video recorded on the DVR (this unit) or the video recorded on the PC. The search destination can be switched interchangeably by clicking [DVR/PC] on the time scale panel.

The search destination can be confirmed by looking at the button display.


Searches the video recorded on the DVR (this unit)


Searches the video recorded on the PC

2Click and specify the recorded date of the video to be searched on the calendar.

If a recorded video is available on the selected date, the date is displayed in red.

Clicking /, switches the calendar display to the previous/next month.

3Confirms the time slot with recorded video using the time scale.

A green line is displayed above the scale if a recorded video is available.

Recorded part

Memo: Switching the display unit of the scale from [HOUR] to [MINUTE] allows the user to further narrow down the time slot with recorded video.

4Specify the playback start point.

Drag and drop the slide knob of the time scale and move it to the playback start point.

Playback start point

5Click the playback button (1). The video starts playing.

During the playback, the playback operation buttons allow such operations as fast forward, pause, and advance to the next frame. (P47)



Memo: • If no recorded video is available at the specified playback start point, the unit jumps to the next available recorded video and starts playing.

As in the case of live video, the screen display mode can be switched using the operation panel buttons. (P44)

6To stop playback and return to live video Click [LIVE] (2) on the operation panel.

Switches to the live video and returns the displays, such as the operation panel display, to standard mode.