Search mode operations

BBacking up DVR recorded video

DVR (this unit) recorded video can be backed up on the hard disk of a PC in AVI format.

Search the recorded video by following the procedure below, specify the video range to be backed up and execute a back up.

Refer to steps 1-3 of "Searching and playing recorded video (P48)".

1Specify the search destination (DVR/PC). Set to "DVR".

2Click the calendar and specify the date of the video to be searched.

3Confirms the time slot with recorded video using the time scale.

4Specify the backup start point.

Move the slide knob of the time scale to the start point and click [START POINT].

5Specify the backup end point.

Move the slide knob of the time scale to the end point and click [END POINT].

A dark green line is displayed on the specified video range.



Memo: To undo the specified video range, re-click [START POINT].

6Click [BACKUP].

Confirm the backup content of the backup using the [AVI Backup] dialog.











End time














































1Start time/End time:

Can be modified using the spin buttons.

2File Path:

The path set in the general settings screen in the set up menu is displayed. (P50)


The channels numbers with recorded video are displayed.

7Click [OK].

The specified recorded video range is backed up on the PC. The backup progress is displayed in the progress gauge of the dialog.

Memo: • Destination folder name

Input the date information of the first image of the video.

Saved file name

(Camera channel number) + time information of the first image


[CH1] 08_30_08 = Recorded video from camera 1 at 08h30m08s

Video is backed up in the AVI format and can be played using video playback software compatible with the AVI format such as Windows Media Player. If the video cannot be played with a standard AVI software, install Codec (FFDShow) from the supplied CD-ROM.