SSL Scanner
Using this section, you can inspect and manage incidents relating to
The Incident Manager enables you to retrieve incident.dat files from Web- washer instances. It synchronizes and displays them, adding hosts or certificates to the
Note that an incident.dat file will only be written if you have configured an Allow & Log Incident or Block & Log Incident action or a user defined
action that leads to writing a log file.
You can view and edit the incidents list on the Incident Management page. It is opened with or without a refresh by clicking on one of the following buttons:
For a description of this page, see the next section.
Incident Management
Using the Incident Management page, you can inspect SSL incidents and add them either to the
On this page, a table is provided listing all incidents that occurred after the last refresh of this list was performed. All of them have not yet been processed.
To perform a refresh, click on the Refresh Incident List button, which is located above the left side of the table:
This will process the stored incidents and add them to the list.
If Webwasher is running in a cluster, a refresh will lead to a synchronization with the subscribed sites. Depending on the sites load, the refresh may take a moment.
The list will be