SSL Scanner

For the meaning of these actions, see the description of the by certificate method above.

A message will then be displayed, stating if the exception has been added successfully and providing information on the result of the verification process.

If the by certificate method has been configured, you are informed whether the certificate in question was issued by a trusted or not-trusted certification authority (CA) from the corresponding list.

If the CA could not be found on this list, the certificate is implicitly forbidden.

If the inspection of a certificate results in an error or open issue, the depth of the certificate is also stated in the corresponding error message. By depth is meant the position the certificate takes within the certificate chain.

So, e. g. depth = 0 means the certificate has been issued immediately for the software in question, as is the case with self-signed certificates, depth =

1 is for a certificate issued to certify a depth 0 certificate and so on.

The newly added exception will be shown in a list displayed below.

To display only a particular number of list entries at a time, type this number in the input field labeled Number of entries per page and enter it using the Enter key of your keyboard.

If the number of entries is higher than this number, the remaining entries are shown on successive pages. A page indicator is then displayed, where you can select a particular page by clicking on the appropriate arrow symbols.

You can also edit this list, by specifying the appropriate settings for a given en- try. After doing this, click on Apply Changes to make these settings effective.

Use the following items to perform other activities relating to the list:


Type a filter expression in this input field and enter it using the Enter key of your keyboard. The list will then display only entries matching the filter.

Delete Selected

Select the entry you wish to delete by marking the Select checkbox next to it and click on this button. You can delete more than one entry in one go.

To delete all entries, mark the Select all checkbox and click on this button.
