Changing Labels and Printer Care


The SLP 410/420/430 /440/450 u ses advanced the rmal print techn ology to provide cr isp,
high-contrast p rinting. There a re no ribbons or cartridges to replace.
An important cons ideration... For best results we recomme nd the use of S eiko Instrument s
SmartLabels. O ther brands may not be engineered to provide optimum , trouble-free
results with your S LP; they may not wor k with your printe r or they may dam age it and void
your warranty.

Caring for Your Printer

Your SLP 410/420/430/4 40/450 is a high-precis ion device that ’s designed for tro uble-free
operation. Just fo llow these few preca utions:
Important... The SLP 410/42 0/430/440 /450 is desig ned for use onl y with Seiko In struments
SmartLabels. U se of improper l abels may dama ge the printer.
• Don’t operate the pri nter in a dusty environment.
• Keep the printer out of direct sunli ght.
• If you are printing more than one l abel at a time, g uide the labe ls over the front of t he
label cover as they exi t, making sure t hat they don’t curl u nder or over the cove r and
loop through and i nto the feed slot.