FCC Compliance Sta tement
This equipment h as been tested an d found to comply with the limit s for a Class B
digital device, pur suant to Part 15 of t he FCC rules. Th ese limits are designed to provi de
reasonable protectio n against har mful interference i n a residential application. This
equipment generates , uses and can radiate radio freq uency energy and , if not install ed
and used in accord ance with the i nstructions, m ay cause harmf ul interference to ra dio
communications. However, there is no gu arantee that inter ference will not occ ur in a
particular ins tallation. If t his equipment does cause har mful interference to radio or
television reception , which can be d etermined by turn ing the equip ment off and on,
the user is encou raged to try to cor rect the interferen ce by one or more of the following
• Reori ent or relocate the receiving antenn a.
• Incre ase the separat ion between the equipment and re ceiver.
• Conn ect the equipme nt into an outlet o n a circuit dif ferent from that to wh ich the
receiver is connected.
• Cons ult the dealer or an experienc ed radio/TV te chnician for hel p.
Changes or modific ations not expres sly approved by Sei ko Instruments could void the
user’s authority to operate the equip ment.
Applicable EC Directives and Standards
Directive Title
89/336/EEC EC Electromagnetic Co mpatibility Directive
73/28/EEC EC Low Voltage Directive
2002/96/EC ECC Wa ste of Electronic Eq uipment (WEEE)
ECC Restricting the use of Certain Hazardous Subs tances in
Electrical and Ele ctronic Equipment (RoHS)
Standards Title
EMC EN55022(1998) cla ss B
EN55024(1998), EN61000-3-2 (1995), EN61000- 3-3(1995)
LVD EN60950/1992 +A1/1993, +A2/1993, + A3/1995, +A4/1997,
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Instruments USA Inc. No patent lia bility is as sumed with res pect to the use of information
contained herein. Wh ile every precaut ion has been take n in the preparat ion of this
publication, Se iko Instruments USA Inc. assu mes no respons ibility for er rors or omiss ions. Nor
is any liabilit y assumed for damages result ing from the us e of information contained herein.
Further, this pub lication and fe atures describe d herein are subj ect to change wit hout
notice. Copyright © 1989-20 06 by Seiko I nstruments USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Trademark Informat ion
IBM is a registered trademark of Inte rnational Bus iness Machin es Corporation. Microsoft
and Windows are regi stered trademarks of Microsoft Co rporation. SII and the SII lo go are
registered trademark s of Seiko Instr uments Inc. Sma rt Label Printer is a registered t rademark
and SmartLabel s, and Smart Label Icons are trademarks of Se iko Instruments USA Inc.
Other products ment ioned in this guide are tradem arks or registere d trademarks of t heir
respective compani es.
Seiko Instrument s USA Inc., 299 0 Lomita Blvd., Torranc e, California 9 0505 USA