Technical Support and S ervice
Please refer to the “Troub leshooting” topic in on-line Help for informat ion on how to
determine if your SL P needs servi ce and how to contact S eiko Instrume nts for Technical
Support and repa irs.
You can contact Technical S upport on ou r website under t he Support s ection at:
www.siibusinessprodu cts.com
Ordering Labels and Parts

Ordering Labels

For best results we recommend the u se of Seiko Inst ruments Smar tLabels. Other brands may
not be engineered to p rovide optimum, t rouble-free res ults with your S LP; they may not
work with your printer or they may dama ge it and void you r warranty.
For information on ordering label s, please cho ose the How to Orde r Labels comman d on
the Help menu or refe r to the “Ordering Labels” topic in on-line Help.
You can order labels d irectly from Sei ko Instruments o n our website at the following
address: www.siib usinessproducts.com

Ordering Parts

For information on ordering replace ment parts an d accessories, please refer to you r SLP
model in the “Troubles hooting” topic in on-line Hel p.
You can order parts d irectly from Seiko Instruments o n our website at the following ad dress:
www.siibusinessprodu cts.com