Adjusting the Position of LabelsIf you find the lab els are advanci ng at an angle, it’s easy to realig n them. Follow th ese
1 Swive l the label cover o pen and remove the print engine cover by pulling for ward on the
edges at the top of t he cover.
2 Relea se the pressu re on the label s tock by moving the p laten release l ever forward.
3 Reali gn the label s tock so it is stra ight.
4 Return the platen relea se lever to the loc ked position.
5 Make s ure the labels feed through the slot.
6 Repla ce the print eng ine cover, startin g at the bottom, on the SLP and push the top
edge forward until the cover snaps i nto place.
Remove the print engi ne cover
Release the platen lever