About This Guide
As you‘ll soon realize, t he Smart Label Printer is easy to set up and use. Chances are, once
you’ve read what you need to k now in order to get g oing, you won’t have to use this guid e
except as a quick remi nder or a reference.
This guide will help you set up you r SLP 410, 420, 43 0, 440 or 45 0, install the software, and
use your SLP.
In writing this guide we assu me that you are fam iliar with com mon operations using
Microsoft Windows 2000 or Wi ndows XP on a Win dows compatible PC, or Mac OS X v10.2
or later on an App le Macintosh com puter.
This guide has s ix sections for easy reference:
Introduction, provides some general i nformation about the SLP 410/420/43 0/440/45 0 and
the Smart Label program.
Getting Started, prov ides instructi ons for connecti ng the SLP 410/420/ 430/440/45 0 to your
Windows-compati ble PC or Mac, and loading la bels into the pr inter. It also descr ibes how
to use on-line h elp.
Changing Labels and Printer Care, provide s information for replacing a lab el roll and taki ng
care of your SLP.
Specifications, provid es SLP 410/420/43 0/440/450 specifications .
Commonly Asked Questio ns and Answers, provid es a list of que stions and an swers that can
help you resolve probl ems.
Technical Support and Service, provides tec hnical suppor t and service information.
Ordering Labels and Pa rts, provides info rmation for orde ring SmartLab els and replace ment
parts and acces sories.