Commonly Asked Questions and Answers Q Will my labels fad e over time?
A Labels are made of thermal paper. Heat appl ied to the paper causes a chemi cal
reaction to generate bl ack dots at the p oints where heat was applied. T his technique
avoids using mes sy inks and ri bbons. Becaus e the paper is heat-sensitive, it is possib le
for a label to darken if exposed to hig h heat or very b right light for an extended peri od
of time. It is also possible for certain plast icizers in some plastic bind ers to cause a
chemical reaction w hich results i n the image fadi ng over time. Placi ng another
adhesive (perhap s another label ) between the vi nyl surface and the label may h elp
minimize this t ype of fading.
In general, label s will last fo r years if they are n’t subjected to the a bove conditions. The
label material is much more stable than fax paper due to the speci al formulation and
coatings used by S eiko Instrume nts.
Q How many labels ca n I save?
A The numbe r of labels you ca n save is limite d only by the amo unt of disk spa ce in your
Q There are no availabl e serial or US B ports on the bac k of my computer. What d o I do?
A You may wish to add another por t to your system. A lternatively you ma y use a switch
box to share a seria l port or a US B hub to extend th e number of US B devices that can
be connected.