S7-400, M7-400 Programmable Controllers Module Specifications
General Technical Specifications

What are General Technical Specifications?

General technical specifications include the following:
The standards and test specifications complied with and met by the modules of
the S7-400/M7-400 programmable controllers
The test criteria against which the S7-400/M7-400 modules were tested
Chapter Overview
Section Description Page
1.1 Standards and Approvals 1-2
1.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility 1-9
1.3 Shipping and Storage Conditions for Modules and Backup Batteries 1-12
1.4 Mechanical and Ambient Climatic Conditions for Operating the
S7-400/M7-400 1-14
1.5 Information on Insulation Tests, Protection Class and Degree of
Protection 1-18
1.6 Using S7-400 in a zone 2 explosion–risk area 1-19