General Technical Specifications
S7-400, M7-400 Programmable Controllers Module Specifications
Ambient Climatic Conditions for the M7-400The M7-400 may be used under the following ambient climatic conditions:
Table 1-15 Ambient Climatic Conditions for the M7-400
Climatic Condi-
tions Permitted Range Remark
Temperature 0 to +60°C
5 to +55°C
5 to +40°C
When using a CPU 486-3 or 488-3
When using an MSM 478 without
diskette operation but with ventila-
When using an MSM 478 with
diskette operation or without
(when using an ATM 478, the
permissible temperature range is
restricted by the AT module used)
humidity Max. 95 % No condensation, corresponds to
RH stressing level 2 in accordance
with IEC 61131-2
pressure 1080 to 795 kPa (corresponds to
a height of -1000 to 2000 m) Note the restriction on the power
supply in Table 1-12.
Concentration of
contaminants SO2: < 0.5 ppm;
RH < 60 %, no condensation)
H2S: < 0.1 ppm;
RH < 60 %, no condensation)
10 ppm; 4 days
1 ppm; 4 days