M7-400 Expansions
S7-400, M7-400 Programmable Controllers Module Specifications
Addresses Within an Expansion Module
Each expansion module occupies 256 bytes (100H) within the CPU/FM address
area. The division of the 256 addresses within an expansion module can be seen
from Table 12-2.
Table 12-2 Division of Addresses Within an Expansion Module
Address Function/Slot Remarks
00H to 3FHReserved In this address area, the automation computer’s
BIOS makes basic settings in the expansion
module such as assignment of interrupts, etc.
40H to 7FHInterface submodule x
80H to BFHInterface submodule y
C0H to FFHInterface submodule z
Base Addresses of the Interface Submodules
Special characteristics of the interface submodules such as the location of the
AT-compatible I/O addresses (IF 962-COM, IF 962-LPT, ...) are set via the base
addresses, or the interface submodules are accessed exclusively via these base
addresses (IF 961-DIO, IF 961-AIO,...).
The base address for an interface submodule is obtained from the sum of the
slot-dependent address of the expansion module and the interface submodule
address within the expansion module. You can find the resulting base addresses in
Tables 12-3 and 12-4: