Making calls
Screen display with CLIP/CLI
With calling line identification, the caller's telephone number is displayed on the handset screen. If you have stored an entry for this number in your directory, then that entry will be displayed instead of the number, e. g. "Anna".
| Ringer symbol |
| |
1234567890 |
| Telephone number |
Accept | Silence | or "Anna" |
The screen displays External if the number is not identified.
The screen displays Withheld if the caller withholds his or her number, or Unavailable, if he or she has not requested CLI.
Screen display with CNIP
If you have CNIP, then the name (town) that is registered with your network provider for the calling number will also be displayed on your handset.
Anna Lechner, Berlin |
| Name and town |
| ||
1234567890 |
| Telephone number |
Accept Silence
The screen displays External if the number is not identified.
The screen displays Withheld if the caller withholds his or her number, or Unavailable, if CLI has not been requested.