Connecting the base station to a PABX

If you have stored an access code, the following will apply:

For emergency numbers, SMS service centre numbers and dialling from the calls list the access code is inserted automatically.

For telephone numbers from the directory or network access list, you have to add the access code yourself.

If you use the telephone number from the directory when sending an SMS, you have to delete the access code.

You can delete an access code using X. To insert a pause, press à , s Insert Pause OK or à , s Insert Recall OK .

Setting pauses

Changing the pause after line seizure

You can set the length of the pause that is inserted between pressing the top half of the c key and the transmission of the telephone number (the factory setting is 3 seconds).


Open the menu.








N O 1 L

Press keys.




Enter a number for the length of the pause





(1 = 1 sec.; 2 = 3 sec.; 3 = 7 sec. and confirm.





Change pause after Recall key

You can change the length of the pause if your PABX requires this (refer to the operating instructions for your PABX; the factory setting is 800 ms).






Open the menu.

N O 1 2

Press keys.




Enter a number for the length of the pause (1 =





800 ms; 2 = 1600 ms; 3 = 3200 ms) and confirm.





Changing the dialling pause (pause after access code)

Precondition: You have stored an access code (page 76). Factory setting: 3 seconds.






Open the menu.

N O 1 1

Press keys.




Enter a number for the length of the pause (1 =





1 sec.; 2 = 2 sec.; 3 = 3 sec.; 4 = 6 sec.) and confirm.





Switching temporarily to tone dialling (DTMF)

If your PABX still operates with dial pulsing (DP) but tone dialling (DTMF) is required for a particular call (e.g. to check your network mailbox), you have to switch to tone dialling during the call.

Precondition: A call is in progress.








Open the menu.

s Tone Dialing



Tone dialling is now activated for this call.