Dialing plans
Dialing plans allow you to define the connection type used when a specified number is dialed. For example you may want numbers beginning “0800” to dial out over PSTN. Alternatively you may want numbers beginning “012” to dial out over the Internet (VoIP). Also you may want to block certain numbers from being dialed.
Parameter | Description |
Automatically Ahead all | Check this box to automatically add the number which |
you have entered on the “Phone number of the | |
| |
| you dial. |
Phone number of the | This function is used in conjunction with the |
“Automatically ahead all | |
| number that you want the Barricade to add automatically |
| in front of the number that you actually dial. |
Detect dial tone before PSTN dial out if connection type is PSTN
Check this box to detect a dial tone before making a PSTN call. If no dial tone is detected the call will fail. When this option is disabled the number is dialled without detecting dial tone.