Double-click the “Wow” region

Specify MIDI: Note-On Play

6.Enter 1 in the Channel box and C-4in the Note box.

7.Click OK. A small musical note appears adjacent to the “Wow” region in the Regions List to indicate that a trigger has been configured.

A small musical note indicates a region trigger

8.Repeat steps 4 through 7, providing each region with a unique MIDI trigger.

Using region playback triggers

1.From the Options menu, choose MIDI In/Out, and choose Trigger from MIDI Timecode from the submenu. A check mark appears adjacent to the command, indicating it is active and Sound Forge is ready to receive MIDI commands.

2.Click C4 on the MIDI Keyboard. The “Wow” region plays.

3.Click other trigger keys on the MIDI Keyboard and observe how this feature can be used to play regions on cue or quickly rearrange an audio file.

Note: Sound Forge can play only one region at any given time. Overlapping causes the active region’s playback to be interrupted and the new region’s playback to begin.


CHP. 13