Adjusting color intensity

Adjust the sonogram’s color intensity using the Color slider located directly beneath the sonogram. Notice that the bottom pane of the dialog depicts the color scale in dB.

Tip: This function may be fairly slow if the system lacks a palletized driver and Video for Windows is not installed.

Returning to a spectrum graph


Adjust the color intensity

To return to the spectrum graph, click the Normal Display button () in the toolbar.

Printing the sonogram

Click the Print button ( ) to print the contents of the Spectrum Analysis window, including the sonogram and statistics data.

Adjusting Spectrum Analysis settings

From the Spectrum Analysis toolbar, click the Settings button () to display the Spectrum Settings dialog. The following sections explain the role of each control in audio spectrum analysis.

Spectrum Settings dialog

FFT size

Choose a value from the FFT size drop-down list to determine the size (in samples) of the analysis window and number of discrete frequencies analyzed. Higher FFT size values produce higher frequency resolution at the expense of lower time resolution and slower processing.

FFT overlap

The value in the FFT overlap box determines the amount of overlap between FFT analysis windows. Lower values decrease the number of distinct analysis functions performed, which also decreases processing time. Higher values provide more analysis, but result in slower processing.

CHP. 17