

Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM

PPPoA is a Protocol that connects network components in a local Ethernet network to the Internet via an ATM network.


Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

PPPoE is a Protocol that connects network components in a local Ethernet network to the Internet via a modem.

Private IP address

The private IP address (also known as the local IP address) is a network component's address within the local network (LAN). The network operator can assign any address he or she wants. Devices that act as a link from a local network, such as the Gigaset SE366 WLAN, have a private and a Public IP address.


A protocol describes the agreements for communicating in a network. It contains rules for opening, managing and closing a connection, as well as about data formats, time frames and how to handle potential errors. Communication between two applications requires different protocols at different levels, e.g. the TCP/IP protocols on the Internet.

Radio network


RADIUS server

A RADIUS server acts as a central authentication server. In doing so, the RADIUS server handles authentication processes (user/password verification). It also provides parameters for the connection to the Client. The RADIUS server obtains the data for this function from its own configuration files, its own configuration databases or requests them from other databases or directory services that store access data (e.g. user name and password).

Rekey interval

The rekey interval is the period after which new keys are automatically generated for data encryption with WPA-PSK.

Remote management

Remote management refers to the ability to manage a network from a network component that is actually outside the local area network (LAN).


A repeater extends the range of a wireless local area network by relaying data from the Access point to additional PCs or Network adapter.