Administration and status information

You can start remote administration by entering the public IP address in your Internet browser. As many Internet providers change this address each time someone dials in, it is also advisable to use dynamic DNS (see page 61).

ìYou can change the Port via which you access the configuration program from the Internet, for example in order to hide and protect the configuration program against unauthorised access.

ìDefine Access (full control) or Access (read only) as the access right for permitted connections in the Access field.

ìAllowed connections: You can specify one particular PC or all PCs in a specific IP address block for Remote Management, or permit this function for any PCs. Select the required option from the list.


If you permit any PCs, then anyone who finds out your password can access this user interface and therefore also your network! If this option is needed, you should always only activate it for a short time.

Remote Management for one particular PC:

ìIn the IP address field, enter the IP address of the PC that is to have access to the user interface of the Gigaset SE366 WLAN from outside your local network.

Remote Management for PCs in a specific IP address block:

ìIn the First IP address and Last IP address fields, enter the IP address block of the PCs that are to have access to the user interface of the Gigaset SE366 WLAN from outside your local network.


uThe Internet provider might assign the IP address to the PC dynamically. This can then change the IP address. Make sure that the PC that is to access the router from the Internet always has the same IP address.

uTo access the configuration environment via Remote Management, you must enter the address of the Gigaset SE366 WLAN to be maintained in the follow- ing format in the browser: http://X.X.X.X:8080 (x.x.x.x stands for the IP address of the Gigaset SE366 WLAN).

ìClick OK to apply the settings.