For Machines Mfg. Since 5/11 | M A I N T E N A N C E | 14" |
Ball Oilers & Oil Cup
Oil Type... Mobil DTE Light or ISO 32 Equivalent
Oil Amount | 1 or 2 Squirts/Fill |
Lubrication Frequency | Daily |
This lathe has seven ball oilers and one oil cup that should be oiled on a daily basis before beginning operation.
Proper lubrication of ball oilers is done with a
Lubricate the ball oilers before and after machine use, and more frequently under heavy use. When lubricating ball oilers, first clean the outside surface to remove any dust or grime. Push the rubber or plastic tip of the oil can nozzle against the ball oiler to create a hydraulic seal, then pump the oil can once or twice. If you see sludge and contaminants coming out of the lubrication area, keep pumping the oil can until the oil runs clear. When finished, wipe away any excess oil.
For the oil cup, lift the lid and fill the cup to the top. The oil will slowly drain into the gearing over time.
Refer to Figures
A.Cross Slide Leadscrew & Nut
B.Compound Rest Leadscrew & Nut
C.Feed Selection Lever Gearing
D.Cross Slide Leadscrew Bearing
Figure 108. Tailstock ball oilers.
E.Quill Barrel
F.Quill Leadscrew & Nut
Figure 109. Leadscrew and feed rod end bearing ball
G.Leadscrew End Bearing
H.Feed Rod End Bearing