How to connect iSCSI in Windows 2000/XP/2003:
a.First, you have to install the iSCSI Initiator package. You must be logged in as administrator to install the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator package,
b.Next, launch iSCSI Initiator software,
c.If you set passwords on iSCSI and Target Access, press on branch “Initiator Setting” in “Initiator CHAP secret”, enter your passwords, and after entering each click “Save” button (your passwords is “Target secret”),
d.In branch: “Target Portals” click button “Add”, then enter your
e.Next click “Advanced…” button, and mark “CHAP logon information”, next give User name and Target secret and then click “O.K.” button,
f.In the branch “Available Targets” you will see name of available iSCSI targets e.g. “iqn.2005.05:iscsi.target0”,
g.Click “Log On” button, and if you entered password, you have to do the same as in point “e”, then press “O.K.” button, then the chosen target status will change for “Connected”
h.Next choose settings Æ control panel Æ administrative tools Æ computer management Æ disk management,
i.Now all available iSCSI TARGET drives will be displayed. In order to use them you have to format them and mount to the system as a next disk letter.
Microsoft iSCSI Initiator ver. 1.06 does not support dynamic disk. Target password must consist of minimum 12 and maximum 16 alphanumeric characters. Please read Manual and Release Notes of Microsoft iSCSI Initiator for more details, which you can also find on Microsoft website.
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