Function: S.M.A.R.T. test
This function allows you to perform short and long tests of the hard drive. You will be informed about progress of the test. After the test finishes please click on "results" button to view test log.
Performing a test is not recommended during normal (daily) usage of that hard drive.
On some motherboards and controllers S.M.A.R.T. tests can not be performed.
5.2.4 RAID FC
In this place you can manage hardware RAID controllers, Fibre Channel or create disk array using software RAID. H/W Raid
Please note that the RAID controller should be supported by the
Function: “3ware administrations”
This function will reset the 3DM password to factory default. (Default 3DM/3DM2 password: 3ware)
It is important to realize the need for time synchronization between an