If the network has a DHCP server, Open-E iSCSI should gain access to the IP settings automatically. If that is the case, you can proceed at 3.5. If your network does not have a DHCP server, Open-E iSCSI will start with the default settings: IP address and subnet mask

You can change these values again by typing in the following key combination: left CTRL, left ALT and N. You can select a different IP address now. All other available functions on of the console will appear after pressing F1 key (see below).

After a connection has been established, all settings can also be changed remotely via the web browser. If your network requires it, the address of the standard gateway and the broadcast address can be changed.

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You can use below key sequences (C-means ‘Left Ctrl’,A-‘Left Alt’)

C-A-N – to edit static IP addresses

C-A-P – to restore default factory administrator settings

C-A-I – to restore default factory IP configuration

C-A-T – to run console tools

C-A-X – to display extended tools

C-A-H – to display hardware and drivers info

F2 - to display all network interface

F5 – to refresh console info

C-A-S – to shutdown the system

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For additional information, please read the chapter “Functions of the console display.”

4.3 Logging into Open-E iSCSI ENTERPRISE

You can establish a connection to Open-E iSCSI from every network computer. To establish this connection, use a browser (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer) and enter the IP address or the name of the computer hosting the Open-E iSCSI server into the URL entry line:

For security reasons, Open-E iSCSI uses the encrypted SSL protocol (https).

You will now be asked for verification of the encryption certification. Since Open-E iSCSI does not allow for creating shares on the Internet but only on the Intranet, there is no need for global certification by an authorized body. You can accept the certificate for the session only, but also for all future use.

Now you have to accept the license in order to use the Open-E software and you can choose the language you want to use.

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Spring Switzerland GmbH Ver. 1.61 manual Logging into Open-E iSCSI Enterprise