Returnto top of currentpage
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
std. disc> CFF> 27 12 IB OC
Feedsthe paper backwardto thetop of the currentpage. Ignored
whenthe frictionfeedis used.
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> *’8” 27 56 IB 38
Causesthe printer to disregardthe signal sent by the paper-out
detector,enablingprintingtothebottomof thepaper.Overridesthe
settingofMemory Switch.
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both CEsc> ‘9” 27 57 IB 39
Causesthe printer to stop printingbefore the end of the paper.
Overridesthesettingof MemorySwitch.
Set verticaltab stops
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “B” td n2 .... +2786 n] n2 ... 0IB 42nl d...W
Cancelsallcurrentverticaltabstopsand setsnewverticaltabstops
at linesnl, n2, etc.,wherenl, n2, etc.are numbersbetween1and
255.Amaximumof 16verticaltab stopscan be set.The tabstops
mustbe specified inascendingorde~ any violationof ascending
otierterminatesthetab stoplist.Standardterminationisbythe<(b
spacinganddo notmove ifthe finespacingis changedlater.