The service handbook is designed to aid in servicing and trou bleshooting S tate W ater Heaters Ultra Force SUF commercial water heaters i n t he f ield. No duplication or reproduction of t his bo ok m ay be m ade without the express written authorization of State Water Heaters .
The fol lowing tex t and i llustrations w ill provide you with a step by step procedure to verify pr oper i nstallation, opera tion, and troubleshooting procedures. Additional quick reference data i s i ncluded to assist you in servicing these products.
The information contained in this handbook is designed to answer co mmonly face d situations enc ountered in the ope ration of this product line and is not meant to be all
inclusive. If you are experiencing a problem not covered in this handbook, please contact State Water Heaters Technical Information at
help@statewaterheaters.com or your local State Water Heater representative for further assistance.
Our website:www.statewaterheaters.com
is also a resource for installation and service information. Thi s handbook i s i ntended for use by licensed plumbing professionals and reference should be made to the installation manual accom panying the prod uct. This handbook contains supplemental information to the produ ct’s i nstallation and ope ration manual.
ANSI Z223.1 Sec 3.3.83
"Qualified Agency"
"Any individual, firm, corporation or company that ei ther i n person o r through a representative i s e ngaged i n an d i s responsible for (a) the installation, testing or replacement of g as p iping or (b) the connection, i nstallation, testing, re pair or servicing of appliances and equipment; that is experienced in such work; that is familiar with all precautions required; and that has complied w ith al l the re quirements o f the authority having jurisdiction."
Service of this water heater requires ability equivalent to th at of a Qual ified S ervice Agent (l icensed t radesman) i n the fi eld involved. Installation skills such as plumbing, air supp ly, vent ing, gas s upply, e lectrical supply are required in addition to electrical testing ski lls. S ome pro ducts m ay requ ire combustion testi ng equipment and certification. If you do not possess these skills or do not have the proper tools you should not attem pt to serv ice thi s w ater heater.
State Water Heaters – Technical Training Department 2 | Ashland City, Tennessee © 2009 |
Servicing should only be performed by a Qualified Service Agent |