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Figure 6: 6” “Station Operator” Screen Before Setup
3. On the “Station Operator” screen (Figure 6), touch the
STATION SETUP button. The “Station Setup” screen
Figure 7: 6” “Station Setup” Screen
4. On the “Station Setup” screen (Figure 7), adjust settings
as required. Touching any box that appears in red (for
“disabled”) toggles it to green (for “enabled”), and vice
versa. Touching any white box gives you a keypad to
enter a new value.
Keypad entry works as with many ATM machinesthe
first digit you enter initially appears to the right of the
decimal point and moves to the left as you enter more
digits. You do not need to use the decimal point. Use
CLR to erase any mistakes. Use ENT to enter the value.
The keypad disappears, and the “Station Setup” screen
shows the new value in the selected white box.