Chapter 1 Getting Started 1-7
Note – An AMC should be hot-swapped only when the LED is solid blue.
TABLE1-2 Hot-SwapBLUE LED States
Order VisibleState State Description
1 Solid M1 FRU Inactive The Intelligent Platform
Management Interface (IPMI)
microcontrolleris booted, but the
payload is not. The bottom latch is
not fully closed or the activation
lock bit set is keeping AMC from
2 Blinking (fromsolid) M2 Activation
The bottom latch is closed or
activationlock bit has been cleared.
The IPMI microcontrollerhas
requestedpermission to boot the
payload fromthe shelf
management controller.
3 Off M3-M4 Active The IPMI microcontrollerhas
receivedpermission to activate the
payload, and has done so. This
should be the state under normal
4 Blinking (fromoff) M5-M6
The IPMI microcontrollerhas
requestedpermission to deactivate.
Opening the bottom latch or
resettingthe deactivation lock bit
activates this state.