Appendix A Section A.5
JDBC/ODBC Drivers SyBase JConnect Driver
JDBC/ODBC eWay Adapter User’s Guide 124 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
A.5 SyBase JConnect Driver
Configuration Properties:
OTD Wizard: Database Connection Information on page 124
Environment Properties on page 124
A.5.1 OTD Wizard: Database Connection Information
To connect to Sybase, use the information provided in Table 32 to complete the Connect
to Database step of the JDBC/ODBC OTD Wizard. To access Sybase, it is recommended
to use the Sybase eWay Adapter.
A.5.2 Environment Properties
Use Table 33 to configure the environment properties for the specified JDBC/ODBC
Table 32 Sybase JConnect Driver Database Connection Information
Parameter Valu e
Driver Jar Files jconn2.jar
Driver Java Class Name com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver
URL Connection String jdbc:sybase:Tds:<server-name>:<server-port>
Note: NOTE: Default server port is 4100.
User Name Login name of the account used to access the database.
Password Password associated with the login account name used to
connect to the database.
Table 33 Sybase JConnect Driver Environment Properties
Parameter Valu e
Description JDBC Connection Pool Datasource
ClassName com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionPoolDataSource
ServerName Server name of the machine hosting the database.
PortNumber <server-port>
Note: NOTE: Default server port is 4100.
DatabaseName <database-name>
User Login name of the account used to access the database.