JDBC/ODBC eWay Adapter User’s Guide 3Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Chapter 1

Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay 7

About Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 7
JDBC Drivers 7
Type I: JDBC-ODBC Bridge 8
Type One Driver 8
Type II: Partial Java driver 9
Type Two Driver 9
Pure Java driver for database middleware 10
Type Three Driver 10
Type Four Driver: Direct-to-database pure Java driver 11
About the JDBC/ODBC eWay 13
What’s New in This Release 13
About This Document 14
JDBC eWay Javadoc 14
Scope 14
Intended Audience 15
Text Conventions 15
Related Documents 15
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Web Site 15
Documentation Feedback 16
Chapter 2

Installing the JDBC/ODBC eWay 17

Installing the JDBC eWay 17
Installing the JDBC eWay on an eGate supported system 18
Adding the eWay to an Existing Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite Installation
After Installation 19
Extracting the Sample Projects and Javadocs 19
ICAN 5.0 Project Migration Procedures 19
Installing Enterprise Manager eWay Plug-Ins 21
Viewing Alert Codes 22