Current Subnet Mask in BMC
This item displays the current subnet mask setting for your IPMI connection.
Gateway Address Configuration
Enter the gateway address for this machine. This should be in decimal and in dotted quad form (i.e., The value of each
Parameter Selector
Use this feature to select the parameter of your Gateway Address settings.
Gateway Address
The BIOS will automatically enter the Gateway address of this machine; however it may be
Current Gateway Address in BMC
This item displays the current Gateway address used for your IPMI connec- tion.
DMI Event Log
View Event Log
Use this option to view the System Event Log.
Mark all events as read
This option marks all events as read. The options are OK and Cancel.
Clear event log
This option clears the Event Log memory of all messages. The options are OK and Cancel.
4-4 Security Settings
The AMI BIOS provides a Supervisor and a User password. If you use both pass- words, the Supervisor password must be set first.