User Guide
2.6 Special Commands
In addition to the root commands described above, XACLI support a set of root commands that only applies to the Telnet session or RS232 session from where they are issued. This lets the user/control application individually configure the session(s) in use.
Supported special commands:
•xfeedback (not supported on all platforms)
2.6.1 xfeedback
The special command xfeedback lets the user register user defined XPath expressions (with possible exposure options) to monitor changes in the XML/XACLI data. Whenever there is a change in one or more elements addressed by a registered XPath expression, the part of the element structure containing these changes will be returned. The system supports a total of 20 registered expressions, with a total of 15 expressions for one session.
xfeedback ?
usage: xfeedback register <XPathExpression>
or: xfeedback deregister <index>
or: xfeedback list
(note: deregistration with index=0 will deregister all registered expressions)
Example 2.20
User wants to monitor changes in audio protocols for all active calls:
xfeedback register status/call/channels/audio/protocol
To view registered expressions:
xfeedback list
*xf 1 status/call/channels/audio/protocol
The call changes audio protocol from G722 to G728 on incoming audio channel on call 1: *s Call 1 (status=Synced, type=Vtlph, protocol=H323, direction=Outgoing):
Channels 1 (type=Incoming):
Audio (status=Active): Protocol: G728
When changing back to G722:
*s Call 1 (status=Synced, type=Vtlph, protocol=H323, direction=Outgoing):
Channels 1 (type=Incoming):
Audio (status=Active): Protocol: G722