
Possible cause











The induction zones don't get hot




The cookware is inadequate

Make sure that the base of



(it doesn't have a ferromagne-

the cookware is attracted by



tic base or it is too small).

a magnet or use larger cook-










The touch control panel doesn't go on or, if it's on, it doesn't respond







No heating element has

Make sure to choose a heating



been chosen.

element using the element.







The sensors are wet and/or

Keep the surface of the



your fingers are wet.

touch control panel and/or




your fingers dry and clean.







The lock is activated.

Deactivate the lock.






The sound of a fan can be heard when cooking and the sound continues


after the cooker has been turned off.




The induction zones have a

The fan only works when the



fan that cools the electronic

temperature of the electronic




system is high; when the tem-




perature decreases, the fan




turns off automatically regar-




dless of whether or not the




cooker is activated.





When frying or cooking stew, it seems as though the energy of the induction zones decreases ("the induction element heats less")


If the temperature of the glass

Excess temperature problems


or of the electronic system

during cooking only occur in


becomes too high while coo-

extreme situations (an exten-


king, an auto-protection

ded period of time cooking at


system will begin working

maximum power) or when ins-


which regulates the power of

tallation is inadequate.


the heating elements so that

Verify that installation has


the temperature does not con-

been done in accordance with


tinue increasing.

the indications in the instruc-



tions manual.




I hear whistle-like sounds when two or more induction zones are activated at high power levels

There is a coupling of

energy between the diffe-

rent induction zones.

It is not a defect. Try chan-

ging the chosen power



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Image 33
Teka IQX 635, TRX 645, IRX 635, TRX 635 manual Induction zones dont get hot, After the cooker has been turned off