Performance Tests
CSA 803C Service Manual 4Ć37
ăStep 22:ă the Main Pos to 55 ns.
ăStep 23:ăSet the Main Pos control(lower knob) so that the zero crossĆ
ing of the waveform occurs on the center graticule.
ăStep 24:ăSet the horizontal reference point to Center as follows, so that
the waveform will be expanded about the horizontal center:
WAVEFORMbutton press.......................................
Horizontal Desc (in major menu) touch.......................
Center (in popĆup menu) touch..............................
ăStep 25:ă the VerticalSize as follows:
Verticalicon touch.............................................
Set VertSize to 50 mV adjust upper knob....................
ăStep 26:ă the Main Size as follows:
Horizontalicon touch...........................................
Set the Main Size to 10 ps/div. adjust upper knob..............
ăStep 27:ăActivatethe cursors as follows:
Cursors icon touch............................................
ăStep 28:ăRead the Dvlocated in the major menu. Dvshould be within
-260.5 mV and -248.1 mV or +248.1 mVand +260.5 mV, showing
that the sweep rate accuracy is within 2.5%.
ăStep 29:ăTouchExit (in the major menu).
Sweep Rate Accuracy 1 ps/divăStep 30:ă the Signal Generator to the following settings:
Frequency 800 MHz............................................
Amplitude 2.0 VpĆp (1.4 VRMS)...................................
(Set for 1.000 ±0.004 VpĆp on screen.)
ăStep 31:ăInvoke smoothing as follows:
WAVEFORMbutton press.......................................
Sampling Head Fnc's (in major menu) touch..................
Smoothing On (in popĆup menu) touch.......................
Exit (in popĆup menu) touch.................................
ăStep 32:ă the Main Size to 130 ps/div.
ăStep 33:ă the Main Pos to 55 ns.
ăStep 34:ăSet the Main Pos control (lower knob) so that the zero crossĆ
ing of the waveform occurs on the center graticule.