# # $%$
# # #% 
*%! *Set the horizontal reference point to %# as follows, so that
the waveform will be expanded around the horizontal center:
WAVEFORMbutton press.......................................
 #) % $ (in major menu) touch.......................
%# (in popĆup menu) touch..............................
*%! * the VerticalSize as follows:
Verticalicon touch.............................................
Set #%) to 5 mV adjustupper knob......................
*%! *Set the MainSize as follows:
Horizontalicon touch...........................................
Set  ) to 1 ps/div adjust upper knob...................
*%! *Turnthe mainframe Average on.
WAVEFORMbutton press.......................................
"&# $ (in major menu) touch.........................
'#  (in popĆup menu) touch...........................
Select (% (in popĆup menu) touch...........................
*%! *Activatethe cursors as follows:
&#$ #$ icon touch............................................
*%! *Read the D'located in the major menu. D'should be within
-28.3 mV and -23.1mV,or within+23.1 mVand +28.3 mV,showing
that the sweep rate accuracy is within 10%.
*%! *Touch(% (in the major menu).