Performance Tests
Performance Verification
ăStep 5:ăSet up the CSA 803C as follows:
UTILITYbutton press...........................................
Instrument Options (in major menu) touch....................
Edge Mode (in popĆup menu) touch..........................
ăStep 6:ăOn the CSA 803C, press the AUTOSETbutton.
ăStep 7:ăCheck the rise time as follows:
MEASUREbutton press........................................
Measurements(in the major menu) touch.....................
Rise (in the popĆup menu) touch.............................
 that Rise is v2.5 ns.
Exit Menu (in popĆup menu) touch...........................
ăStep 8:ăChange the sweep rate as follows:
Horizontal ( ) icon touch.....................................
Adjust Main Size to 5 ms/div. adjust upper knob................
ăStep 9:ăCheck the frequency as follows:
MEASUREbutton press........................................
Measurements(in major menu) touch........................
Frequency (inpopĆup menu) touch..........................
Duty Cycle (in popĆup menu) touch..........................
 that the frequency is between 97 kHz and 103 kHz
(100 kHz ±3%).
 that the Duty Cycle is between 47% and 53% (50% ±3%).
Exit Menu (in popĆup menu) touch...........................