'+ $*" 5Ć21
.)& .Performthe following operations in the order given:
Set the front panel ON/STANDBYswitch to STANDBY.
Remove the L bracket on the front of the card cage.
Remove both plastic retaining strips from the top of card cage.
Remove the A17 Main Processor board, and then install it in the
fourth slot from the outer edge.
Remove the A29 Memory Expansion board, and then install it in the
third slot.
Remove the A14 Input/Output (I/O) board, and then install it in the
second slot.
Move the A18 Memory board from the first slot to the fifth slot.
Reconnect all the cables to the A14 I/O board.
Set the CSA 803C front panel ON/STANDBYswitch to ON.
.)& .Connectthe FrequencyCounter as indicated in the setup
diagram (see also Figure 5Ć6), and set the controls as follows:
Mode Period...............................................
Trigger DC................................................
Slope - (negative).........................................
TimeBase 1 MHz..........................................
.)& .Make the following CSA 803C selections:
UTILITYbutton press...........................................
)% $$ *'- (in major menu) touch...........
)% )")- (in major menu) touch........................
,)$ $%()( (in major menu) touch.................
,)$ $%()( (in popĆup menu) touch................
"%! (in major menu) touch.................................
$&*)*)&*) (in popĆup menu) touch.........................
' (in major menu) touch.................................
" # "! (in popĆup menu) touch.......................
%*)$ (in major menu) touch...............................
"') (in popĆup menu) touch............................
*$ (in major menu) touch..................................
.)& . that the frequency counter reads within the limits of
999,995 ms and 1,000,005 ms.
DO NOT attempt to optimize the adjustment setting if the period is
within the stated limits. Proceed to Step 7.
.)& . Real Time Clock, C510, for 1,000,000 ms.