Performance Tests
CSA 803C Service Manual 4Ć31
This procedure uses the RMS measurement function to measure the noise
on the trace from a sampling head compartment.

Setup to Examine Vertical RMS Noise

CSA 803C

Procedure to Examine Vertical RMS Noise

ăStep 1:ăInstall the Calibration Head (067-1413-00) into the position
shown in the setup diagram. If the unit was in standby mode, set the
ON/STANDBYswitch to ON.
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 
ăStep 2:ăInitialize the mainframe as follows:
UTILITYbutton press...........................................
Initialize (in major menu) touch..............................
Initialize (in verification popĆup menu) touch..................
ăStep 3:ăTriggerthe CSA 803C as follows:
TRIGGERbutton press.........................................
Source (in major menu) touch...............................
Internal Clock (in popĆup menu) touch.......................
ăStep 4:ăIdentifythe trace as follows:
Def Traicon touch.............................................
Identify Channel (1) touch...................................
Select Enter Desc touch....................................
System VerticalRMS Noise