7.1 Recording a program 61
To input a timer recording, se- lect the Timer Setting menu; then the timer list will be dis- played.
To add a new timer event, press the button, and a box like the above figure appears; take the following steps.
1.Set the Record option to On to make a recording. If this option is set to Off, the digital receiver will turn on at the specified time but not record; instead, you may record with your video cassette recorder or suchlike in this case.
2.If you want a radio program, set the Type option to Ra- dio; otherwise, set it to TV.
3.Set the Satellite option to the satellite which transmits the service you want. Pressing the OK button on this option displays a satellite list, from which you can select
your desired satellite. Set the Tuner Select option to a tuner to receive your desired service.
4.Set the Service option to the service which provides the program you want. Pressing the OK button on this option displays a service list, from which you can select
your desired service.
5.There are five timer modes:
One Time means literally ‘one time’.
Every Day means literally ‘every day’.