62 Recording and Playing
Every Weekend means ‘Saturday and Sunday per week’.
Weekly means ‘one day per week’.
Every Weekday means ‘from Monday to Friday per week’.
If your favorite program is broadcasted at weekends and you wish to record every episode of the program, set the Mode option to Every Weekend.
6.Set the Date option to a desire date, on which the record- ing will be started. The date format is day/month/year– day of the week.
Set the Start Time option to a desired time, at which the recording will be started. You can enter it with the nu- meric buttons. The time format is hour:minute.
7.Set the Duration option to a desired time, in which the recording will be finished.
8.Pressing the OK button on the File Name option dis- plays the
ify a file name for the timer recording. If you do not specify anything, it will be named after the service name. See § 6.2 for how to use the
9.To set a timer recording with the above settings, select the OK option; otherwise, it will not be saved and will not occur.
You can also edit or delete timer recordings in the timer list. To edit a timer entry,put the highlight bar on the en- try you want and press OK button; then appears a box in which you can change its settings in the same man-
ner as making a new one. To delete a timer event, put the highlight bar on the entry you want and press the button; then you are asked for confirmation. If you select Yes, it will be deleted.