6.2 Editing the favorite list 49
Provider by service provider
6.2Editing the favorite list
You can make your own favorite service list. To edit your favorite list, select the Organizing Svc/Fav > Organizing Fa- vorites menu; then an editable favorite list appears.
There are a group list on the left column, a favorite list on the center column and a service list on the right column.
You can add a favorite entry by performing the following steps:
1.Put the highlight bar on a desired group entry in the group list and press the OK button.
2.Then the highlight bar of the service list becomes mov- able. Put the highlight bar on a desired service entry and press the OK button.
3.Then the selected service entry is added in the favorite list. You can select more entries to add.
4.Press the button to select another group. By pressing the
button, the highlight bar of each column moves in turn.
You can up to 30 groups. To add a group, select the NEW option in the group list; then the