60 Recordingand Playing
program options would be available. Once the After this pro-
gramoption is selected, the current recording will stop the mo-
mentthe current program ends. Likewise,once the After next
programoption is selected, the current recording will stop the
momentthe next program ends.
Selecting the Record pause option pauses recording. When
you press the button again, you will see this option is
changedto Record continue. Toresume recording, select it.
To stop recording, press the
button; then a box like
the left figure appears, which
shows programs being cur-
rently recorded. If you select
one,its recording will stop.
While a recording is going on, you can watch or record an-
otherservice. Torecordanother service additionally, switch to
theservice you want to record, and press the button.
Oncea recording is started, it is put on the recording list even
thoughit is not finished yet. Therecording file is named after
itsservice name with a suffix of a number. To view the record-
inglist, press the button.See § 7.2 for detailed description
aboutthe recording list.
7.1.2 Timer recording
You can input a program to be recordedat a specific time.
Evenif the digital receiver is off, it will turn on and start record-
ing at the specified time. The digital receiver will turn off
againas the recording is finished.