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Playing music files
You can listen to music from a list of available files. When listening to music files, you can select music lists, play, pause, stop, skip, repeat play, and adjust sound settings.
(Sctmple Image) Media Play - mlISiO list
After opening Media Player madselecting Music (see"To open the
Media Player" onpage 8t) press the • / • (arrow) buttonsto selecta file
or folder.Youcan use the • / • (arrow) buttons to page up or down the music list when there are more files than will fit onto one screen.
4Select the desired folder and press the ENTER button to move to the next layer. Press the CH RTN button to move back to the previous layer.
5With the desired file selected, press the ENTER button or the PLAY button to start playback.
6Press the STOP button to stop playback
NOTE .:. IfplaybackfinishesbeforeSTOPispressed,thenextfilewill automaticallystartto playfromthebeginning.
¢Dependingonthefilesize,it maytakesometimefor playbackto begin.
During playback you can do the following: o.** Press PAUSE to pause.
o:* To resume nounal playback, press PLAY.
o:* To locate a specific file, press the SKIP Reverse or SKIP Forward button repeatedly.
o:* To adjust volume, press the VOL (+
NOTE Toplayinfastreverseorfastforward,pressREVor FF during