
Usi_parental controls (/br _ZS'Ar_ion)

4Press the • / (arrow) buttons to highlight Enable Rating Blocking, and press the ENTER button.

5Press the • / • (arrow) buttons to select On, and then press the ENTER button.

6Press the • (arrow) button to highlight Edit Rating Limits, and then press the ENTER button.

The Edit Rating Limits screen appears.

7Highlight Air RS, and thenpress the ENTER button. The Edit Alternate Ratings screen appears.

NOTE .:÷ TheALTRSbuttonwill onlybeavailableif anadditionalrating systemis currentlyavailable.

•:* ItmaytakeseveralminutesfortheTVto downloadtheadditional ratingsystem.

•:* TheinformationdisplayedintheAlternateRatingsscreenwill dependontheconfigurationoftheadditionalratingsystem availableatthetimeofdownload.

8For each desired selection, press the •/•/*_/_,-(arrow)

buttons to highlight the selection, and then press the ENTER button to select it.

A box with an "X" is a rating that will be blocked.

9To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the ENTER button.

10In the Edit Rating Limits screen, highlight Done, and then press the ENTER button.

NOTE .:÷ Theadditionalratingsystemcanonlybedownloadedonetime. Youwill notbeableto downloadanyupdatestotherating systemshouldsuchupdatesbecomeavailable.



additionalratingsystemdeterminedorcontrolledbyToshiba. Similarly,theratingof programsinanadditionalratingsystemis notdetermined,transmittedorcontrolledbytheTVorToshiba.



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Toshiba 40L2400U, 50L2400U manual Usiparental controls /br ZSArion