
Usi_ theM_ia Hayer


Using Media Player with a USB device

You can enjoy photo or music content stored on a USB storage device.

Photo Viewer specifications:

o:* Data type: JPEG EXIF ver 2.1

o:* File format: JPEG

o:* Maximum photo size: 6 MB

o:* Maximum number of files: 500/folder

o:* Maximum photo resolution: 4096 x 4096 pixels Music Player specifications:

o:* File format: MP3

o:* Sampling frequency: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz

o:* Bit rate: from 32 to 320 kbps

o:* Maximum number of files: 500/folder

Supported file system: FAT 16 and FAT32

NOTE ..'. GentlyinserttheUSBdeviceintotheportanddonotremove whileviewingMediaPlayer.

°:- USBdevice:USBMassStorageClassdevice(MSC)

°:- Connectivityis notguaranteedfor alldevices.

°:- ConnecttheUSBdevicetotheTVdirectly.

o:. DonotuseaUSBHub.

¢Youmustobtainanyrequiredpermissionfromcopyrightowners tousecopyrightcontentToshibacannotanddoesnotgrant. suchpermission.

¢DependingonthefilesizeandamountinyourUSBstorage device,it maytakesometimeto loadbeforecontentisviewable. Amessagewill displayon-screenwhenfilesareloadingfromthe USBstoragedevice.

¢Onlylimitedtypesof U3USBdevicearesupportedTherefore,it. issuggestedthatyounotuseU3USBwithMediaPlayer.

¢Non-supportedcharacterswill bereplacedwithasquare.

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Toshiba 40L2400U, 50L2400U manual UsingtheMediaPlayer, Using Media Player with a USB device