Connecting two VCRs
This connection allows you to record (dub/edit) from one VCR to another VCR while watching a videotape. You also can record one channel while watching another channel.
You will need:
•two coaxial cables
•two sets of standard A/V cables
From Antenna
If you have VCRswit/?S video,use S video cables insteadof standard video cables.Do
not connect both a standard video cable and an S video cable to VIDEO 7 CerVIDEO 2) at the same time, or the picture performance will be unacceptable.
De not connect the same VCR to t/?eoutput and input terminals on the TVat the same time.
Todub or edi_ VCR2 must select Line/IV,, and the TVmust select VIDEO 7.
*Tl?eVideoOUTterminalsdeesneteutput the POP picture.
**TheAudio OUT terminalscan output t/?e sound of either the Main or POPpicture Csee"Selecting the Audio OUT sound" of? page 59)
or revision oftelevision programs,videotapes, OVDs,and other materials is prohibited under
the CopyrightLaws ofthe United States and
J Theothercountries,andunauthorized recording,may subjectyoutouse, distribution,civil J
andcriminal liability.
Connecting a camcorder
This connection allows you to watch video materials recorded on a
You will need:
• one set of standard A/V cables
If you have a camcorder with S video, use an
Svideo cable instead era standard video cable. Do not connect bet/?a standard video cable and an S video cable at the same time, or the picture performance will be unacceptable