Connecting your TV

Note: One TheaterLinkcableis provided with your 7t/. No other cables are providec_

Coaxial cable is the cablethat comes in fromyour antenna,cable"IV service,or cableconverterbox.Coaxialcable has"F" connectors.

Standard stereo AN cables usuallycomein setsof three,and are typicallycolor-codedaccordingto use:yellowfor video,redfor stereo right audio,and white for stereoleft (:ormono) audio.YourTV'sstandard AN inputs arecolor-codedin the samemanneras the cables.

S-video cable is for usewith video equipmentthat hasan S-Video connector.

Componentvideo cables comein setsof three (typicallycolor-coded red,green,and blue),and arefor usewith videoequipmentthat has componentvideo connectors.Your TV'sColorStream (componentvideo) inputsarecolor-codedin the samemanneras the cables.

DVI-D digital single-link cable is for usewith videoequipmentthat has a DVI-Ddigital single-linkconnector (seepage16).

TheaterLink cable is usedto remotelycontrol otherAN equipment (equippedwith an infraredsenso0throught the "11/(seepage 17).



Coaxial (antenna) cable

Standardstereo _/cables

(typically color-codedyellow for video,

red and white for audio)


Componentvideo cables

(typically color-coded red, green, blue)


_/henconnectingvideo equipmentto yourToshiba"IV:

For GOODpicture quality: Usea standard stereo A/V (yellow) video cable.

For BETTERpicture quality: If your equipmenthas an S-video connector,use anS-videocableinsteadof a standardyellowvideo cable. (Youstill must connect the standardredandwhite audiocablesfor full systemconnection,but do not connecta standardyellow videocableat the sametime or the picture performancewill be unacceptable.)

ForBESTpicture quality: If your equipmenthascomponentvideo connectors,use componentvideo cablesinsteadof a standardyellow video cableor an S-videocable [plusthe standardred andwhite audio cablesfor full systemconnection.)If your equipmenthasa OVI-O

digital single-link connector,usea DVI-D cable _lus standardred andwhite audiocablesconnectedto the audioterminals labeled"For

DVI/HDCPIN" for full systemconnection).

DVI-D digital single-link cable



Do not plug ll} any power cords until you have fimshed connecting all equipmen_


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Toshiba Flat Panel Television owner manual Videocable, TheaterLinkcable