Setup flow for Bonjour printing (Macintosh)
Connecting over TCP/IP Network
Mac OS X
Setting up the Bonjour printer connection
This equipment can be used with the Bonjour printer connection when the Macintosh computers of OS X and the equipment are connected over a TCP/IP network.
Setup procedure
1 Set up the TCP/IP and the HTTP Network Service to enable TopAc- cess.
You should set the TCP/IP and HTTP Network Service from the control panel the first time you use it, to make TopAccess available.
ySetup Guide for Printing Functions
HTTP Configuration
10 TopAccess ADMINISTRATION TAB PAGE - SETUP MENU (Printing Function) Setting up Network Settings (Printing Function)
Setting up the TCP/IP
Setting up the HTTP network service
2 Set up the Bonjour.
ySetup Guide for Printing Functions
10 TopAccess ADMINISTRATION TAB PAGE - SETUP MENU (Printing Function) Setting up Network Settings (Printing Function)
Setting up the Bonjour
3 Install the Macintosh PPD file.
yPrinting Guide
2 INSTALLING CLIENT SOFTWARE Installing Client Software for Macintosh
Setup Flow for Printing Features 25