period four
Maintenance Considerations
period four
Figure 54
Today, after an absorption chiller is installed and put into operation, it functions without a
Water chillers are designed for maximum reliability with a minimum amount of maintenance. Like all large mechanical systems, however, certain routine maintenance procedures are recommended. Periodic inspection of the purge system, cooling tower, fluid levels, heat transfer surfaces, energy supply, and pumps helps to maintain the absorption water chiller in peak operating condition. This period discusses these general maintenance requirements of absorption water chillers.
▲Chilled water inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures
▲Cooling water inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures
▲Absorber inlet and outlet solution temperatures and concentrations
▲Absorber spray solution temperature
▲Generator inlet and outlet solution temperatures
▲Evaporator refrigerant temperature
▲Condenser refrigerant temperature
▲Crystallization margin
▲Gas supply pressure (direct- fired)
Figure 55
Chiller operation should be checked daily and recorded in an operating log. Standard operating logs include: solution data; evaporator, absorber, and
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